Sunday, April 1, 2012

「福島第1原発事故で、2号機原子炉から大量の放射性物質が大気中に放出されるシナリオ」 - 圧力抑制室と格納容器の損傷

という論文が、Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology Volume 49, Issue 4, 2012 (日本原子力学会の公式雑誌)に掲載されています。論文を書いたのは社会技術システム安全研究所田辺文也氏。去年の8月に、3号機は2度炉心溶融を起こし、その2度目が3月21日ごろで、圧力容器から格納容器に燃料が落ち、そのために大量の放射能が拡散されて東北関東の広い地域で放射線量が跳ね上がった、という仮説を出された方です。



Taylor & Francis Online掲載の論文概要の私訳:





A scenario of large amount of radioactive materials discharge to the air from the Unit 2 reactor in the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident

Fumiya Tanabe


Based on an analysis of the measured data with review of calculated results on the core melt accident, a scenario is investigated for large amount of radioactive materials discharge to the air from the Unit 2 reactor. The containment pressure suppression chamber (S/C) should have failed until the noon on 12 March 2011 only by seismic load due to the huge earthquake on 11 March or by combination of seismic deterioration and dynamic load due to steam flowing-in through safety relief valve. Opening of the two safety relief valves (SRVs) at 14 March 21:18 should have resulted in discharge of large amount of radioactive materials through the S/C breach with the measured air dose rate peak value of 3.130E-3Sv/h at 21:37 near the main gate of the site. The containment drywell (D/W) should have failed at 15 March 06:25, at the cable penetration seal due to high temperature caused by the fuel materials heating up on the floor of the D/W, which had flowed out from the reactor pressure vessel. Then large amount of radioactive materials should have been discharged through the D/W breach with the measured air dose rate peak value of 1.193E-2Sv/h at 15 March 9:00.

(H/T 名古屋大遠藤知弘さん@hyd3nekosuki)

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