ビデオの中の本人の言によると、Dunn女史の尊敬する政治的哲学者(Political philosopher)は2人、毛沢東とマザー・テレサだとのこと。
つい最近、オバマ大統領のGreen Czar、Van Jones氏が辞任したばかりですが、Jones氏は米国共産党のメンバーでした。
(私の結論は、この大統領は喧嘩の仕方を知らないな、ということです。ずっと今までAffirmative Actionの恩恵を受けて、苦労なく実社会で働くことなく大統領まで成り上がったようなので、達者なのは口先だけ、と言ったら手厳しすぎますかねえ。)
I hope you don't believe everything that Glen Beck says. He is a mindless provocateur who will say anything to increase his viewer ratings. I think most Americans realize that he is a mouthpiece for the far right and has dismissed him as a serious commentator.
ReplyDeleteThere's a great book about Glen Beck that you should read to give you a more balanced perspective. It's called "Tears of a Clown." Check it out at the following link. The book cover says it all.
Issue here is not Beck, but Anita Dunn herself.