福島の幼稚園児、小中学生を年間20ミリシーベルトの放射線量を仮定した学校校庭に遊ばせる無責任さにあきれ、憤っているのは日本人だけではありません。アメリカの医師グループが声明を発表して、日本政府のこの方針を強く攻撃しています。このグループは”Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)”といい、1985年のノーベル平和賞を受賞した団体です。
U.S. medical group blasts Tokyo radiation policy on Fukushima children (5/2/2011 Breitbart)
Physicians for Social Responsibility, a U.S. nonprofit organization of medical experts, has condemned as ''unconscionable'' the Japanese government's safety standards on radiation levels at elementary and middle schools in nuclear disaster-stricken Fukushima Prefecture.
医学専門家の米国非営利組織である”Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)"は、福島の小中学校の放射線量に関する日本政府の安全基準を「非良心的」と強く批判した。
The PSR statement directly challenges the Japanese government stance that it is safe for schoolchildren to use playgrounds on school premises in the prefecture as long as the dose they are exposed to does not exceed 20 millisieverts over a year.
The PSR view is also in line with that voiced by Toshiso Kosako, who said Friday he would step down as an adviser to Prime Minister Naoto Kan on the Fukushima nuclear crisis in protest. The University of Tokyo professor urged the government to toughen guidelines on upper limits on radiation levels the education ministry recently announced for primary school playgrounds in Fukushima.
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