どうも、「処理しないよりまし」ぐらいにしかならないような感じですね。アレバ社の広報担当いわく、「正直言って、どのように機能するかははっきりとは言えません。うまく行くといいですね。(Honestly it’s hard to say how it will work. We hope everything will be fine.)」
...... A potential turning point comes roughly two weeks from now, when Tepco plans to begin a treatment process in which water is sucked from the basement rooms and fed into a special tank, then treated with chemicals that eliminate its radioactivity. The process creates a byproduct of radioactive sludge, which is generally mixed with bitumen, poured into drums, then sealed and buried. The water itself can either be cycled back into reactors or discarded into the ocean.
The treatment system is being set up by Areva, a French company that uses the technology at its La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant, off the Normandy coast. Since 1997, Greenpeace — after taking water samples from La Hague’s discharge pipe — has made repeated claims that the supposedly decontaminated water in fact contains radioactivity levels above the regulatory limit.
The process “is not 100 percent, but it’s better than nothing,” Lochbaum said. “The alternative: you let the water simply evaporate and radioactivity carries to all parts far and wide.”
処理プロセスは「100パーセントではないが、何もしないよりまし」と、Lochbaum氏(David Lochbaum、the Union of Concerned Scientistsで原子力安全プロジェクトを指揮する)は言う。「さもなければ、水が蒸発するに任せて、放射能が広く拡散することになる。」
......Under normal circumstances, Areva’s system can decontaminate 50 tons of water per hour. But experts admit that it is hard to predict just how efficiently the system will handle water that contains not only radioactivity, but also debris, oil and salt. Water might need to be treated numerous times, not just once, before it can be dumped into the ocean.
“Normally the processing is done at small volumes, and you have carefully controlled chemistry,” Barrett said. “Here you have massive volumes and a very heterogeneous chemistry.”
「通常、処理は少量ずつ行われ、処理される水の化学成分は注意深くコントロールされている」とBarrett氏(Lake Barrett、米国スリーマイルアイランド事故で事故後のクリーンアップを担当した原子力技師)は言う。「今回の場合、極めて多量の、雑多な(コントロールされていない)化学成分を持つ水を処理しなければならないのだ。」
“Honestly it’s hard to say how it will work,” said Patricia Marie, an Areva spokeswoman. “We hope everything will be fine.”
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